Risk of Novel Synthetic Opioids in Ontario
Source: Public Health Ontario (PHO)
October 28, 2021
To support responses to reduce opioid-related deaths in Ontario, Public Health Ontario (PHO) is hosting a learning exchange on the risk of novel synthetic opioids. This session includes updates on recent testing information from drug samples and opioid-related deaths followed by a discussion on gathering and interpreting available information to inform responses to reduce substance-related harms. Participants are invited to ask questions and share their own updates, challenges and approaches. The aim of this session is to highlight experiences of diverse health organizations across the province and to support discussion and knowledge exchange on novel synthetic opioids in Ontario.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
1. Understand the risks with novel synthetic opioids
2. Identify best practices in overdose responses
3. Describe opportunities for multi-stakeholder responses to overdoses
Presenters names: Regan Murray, Karen McDonald, Jennifer Levy, Nick Boyce, Muhaari A and Ashley Smoke